Thursday, April 23, 2009

When It Is Difficult To Be Loving

"My Creator, I ask that you show me the way of patience, tolerance, kindliness, and love."
Big Book of AA p.83

There are people with whom it is so easy to give these responses to and times when it is so easy to have these responses. It is the people who "rub me the wrong way" or who are offensive or clueless where I see the very worst in myself. These are the people that try me. Or the times when I am "on my last nerve" or am too stressed or stretched myself that I don't act in these ways towards others, even those I love. This is when I need to rely on my Higher Power and seek help to be the person my Higher Power would want me to be. Not when it is easy to be loving, kind, tolerant, and patient ---but the times when it is not. Those are also the times it is the hardest to pray and ask for help, so the discipline of praying and asking for help always becomes the best way to live every day of life, so the Spirit can flow in and through me. I seek to walk in the sunlight of the Spirit.

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