Tuesday, March 31, 2009


To those of us who have made progress in OA, humility amounts to a clear recognition of what and who we really are, followed by a sincere attempt to become what we could be. Big Book p.58

I often think about how I came to the realization that I am a true compulsive and obsessive overeater and food addict. I was informed by the readings at the meetings and the realization was further deepened by the reading & writing assignments that are standard in OA HOW. Over a relatively short period of time, I was able to understand the delusional thinking (insanity) that directed everything I did. I ate the way I ate, thought the way I thought, and lived the way I lived -- I did not connect the dots that this is why I was miserable about my weight, food and alcohol. Now that I am abstinent (following my food plan) I am able to focus on running up and down the 12 Steps and becoming the person I have always wished I could be. This is freedom.

Are you or anyone you know looking for freedom? There is a solution!


  1. Hi Connie,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I always appreciate another OA coming for a visit. I'm just starting Step 8.

    I gotta tell you, I didn't know what to wish for before coming to OA. Now, I don't wish, I DO!


  2. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, taking action...makes all the difference. I am working on Step 9 right now.
